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I AM Jovan, a Mystic Starseed

I AM here to guide, teach, empower and heal as a Reiki Master, Sound Facilitator, Tarot/Astro reader and Channel for Spirit in whatever modality I am called to serve each unique person. In short, I'm a  Spiritual Guide, so that I may assist others on their Soul path.


From a young age, I had a creative flair. This passion led me to pursue a career as a fashion designer, where I excelled for many years. However, it was my sister who introduced me to the world of oracle cards, planting the seed of curiosity within me. It wasn't until I experienced a profound spiritual awakening that my clairvoyance and claircognizance abilities were activated.


I was born to Cuban parents and raised in an environment rich with spirituality and ritual, so my journey towards embracing my spiritual gifts and becoming a trusted guide, came in like an avalanche once I decided to open up to them.  I always had a connection to Spirit but had no idea how to apply that gift... until 2015.


A lot started to change in 2015 when I went through a very intense awakening. I was called back to put Spirit as the center of my life, to heal myself of conditioning and to use my gifts to help others, because this is what I am here to do. As I surrendered to the path, worked on my healing, reconnected back to nature; into Gaia's Heart frequency, my gifts started to unfold and develop easily. This was the Universe confirming this was the way for me to move forward. 


Life is not always easy, but with that being said, there is still so much love, beauty, miracles and magic in the World. I want to help others see, not only the World like this, but themselves like this as well. I want to help people find clarity and help bring them into alignment, with trust in the Universe so they can open up to more of their own Truth and Divine gifts.


 I can help others feel clarity, peace, security, comfort in who they are. I assist others to see their life path more clearly, bringing back a sense of Joy and Self-Empowerment through transformational support.


Click on the menu above to see my current offerings, to find out how I can assist you. Many blessings to you, as we all guide each other hOMe.

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