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Bridging Astrology with Tarot for more insightful readings:

Learn the Astrological correspondences to each of the cards; Review of the Major Arcana, guided meditation, intuitive exercises, group share (digital workbook included)..........

Each class will consist of:

•A review of each card per each respective section

•A grounding and mind clearing meditation

•Key sheets and workbooks

•Building a personal relationship with the cards

•Intuitive and self-discovery exercises

•Learning and practicing tarot spreads

•Answers to any and all student Tarot questions

*The Tarot deck is divided into 3 sections: Major Arcana, Pip Cards, Court cards:

1. The Major Arcana are the most important of the deck as they deal with big life themes which expose the underlying energy in all situations and subconscious motivations.

2. The Pip cards are the action or state of being cards, and are divided into 4 different suits pertaining to everyday life

3. The Court cards are the personality cards, also divided into 4 different suits (same ones as the Pip cards)

*All 3 sections are linked in with Astrology, Numerology and Kaballah correspondences.Learn all sections of the Tarot cards; Review of all the cards' correspondence to Astrology: guided meditation, intuitive exercises, group share. 


"This is the first Goddess that taught me the right way to understand Tarot in a super fun, easy, and interactive way!"

Cindy Nelson, Tarot student and client

"Jovan put together a class that is truly meant for everyone. I have dyslexia... her worksheets, teaching style, and organization made it easy for me to not only follow along, but to retain the information. As someone who already works with Tarot, this class helped me expand my knowledge of Astrology.

Anyone with the slightest interest in Astrology,Philosophy, and self-exploration should take this class."

Sarah Morrison, Tarot student, Reiki & Sound healing client

"I'm so glad I got to learn Tarot from Jovan! It's been like learning a new language where I can better understand myself and the energies of what's going on around me. Jovan helped me break down a very complex subject matter into something that I can now understand and use to my benefit! I'm so grateful for this gift! What used to be daunting to learn now feels simple to follow and comprehend. Thank you Jovan!"

Aldo Puccini, Tarot student and  client


COMING SOON: Reiki preparation & certification course for beginners & Reiki 1 practitioners

This course will introduce you to the healing power of the elements and help you to learn how to quickly access your gifts and purpose through building a relationship with the living Earth consciousness, your guides and your own body.

You will learn the following modalities and practices for each Element:

* attuning to Life Force energy (Usui Reiki)

* healing techniques using Reiki and the elements

* chakra connections to the elements

* ritual, ceremony, altar work

* interactive sound healing

* embodiment exercises

* oracular arts; connecting with Guides

* learning the Quantum Universal Laws (& other esoteric knowledge)


A Revelatory Exploration of the Emergent Energies of Black Moon Lilith...

2020 - This is the time of the Great Turning, an unprecedented moment that gives rise to a revolution of consciousness wherein all that has been occluded, shamed, abused and disempowered demands with intensity its true and complete redemption. Black Moon Rising is an opportunity for psychic liberation, to reclaim our cardinal feminine creative lifeforce and attune to our deepest sensual knowing that bravely disrupts the established systems of the modern culture, within which she could never be contained.

Black Moon Lilith transiting Taurus will embolden our radical excavation of the oppressive landscapes that no longer support our ongoingness. She teaches us to orbit wildly to the enchanted edgeways of known realms and expand sanctuaries for regeneration of full feminine prowess. We will move together through this elemental energy via sound, movement, stillness, guided meditation and creativity. This is a deep somatic exploration of inner realities - to flush out, heal and expand our capacity to be with all that is - to open our bodies to tell the story our words dare not.

We are learning to traverse the beautiful dark expanse and trust our deepest desires to illuminate visions that are longing to be fully realized through us. Once forbidden fruits of the sensual creative femine now offer potent medicine for the collective, dilate other places of power and nourish the wholeness of our human experience. Let us intuitively light up other ways of being with the world, with each other, with love. Self-exploration and shadow work.

Contact Me Here:

Questions? Email me or text me:

(562) 247-0790

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